
Novice Finals

  • 1
    THS a universal right of territories to secede from parent nations by referendum
  • 2
    THBT India should sanction Russia
  • 3
    THBT it is in the interests of South East Asian states to relinquish to China their claims over disputed territories in the South China Sea
  • Grand Final

  • 1
    THS a universal right of territories to secede from parent nations by referendum
  • 2
    THBT India should sanction Russia
  • 3
    THBT it is in the interests of South East Asian states to relinquish to China their claims over disputed territories in the South China Sea
  • Novice Semifinals

  • 1
    THBT authors from post-colonial countries should reject any literary awards associated with their oppressors (e.g. an Indian author rejecting a 'Commonwealth Writers Prize')
  • 2
    TH, as the aspiring rapper, would start beef with Eminem
  • 3
    "THP the use of ""Reparative reading"" over ""Paranoid reading"" as a tool for critically evaluating literature"
  • Semifinals

  • 1
    THBT authors from post-colonial countries should reject any literary awards associated with their oppressors (e.g. an Indian author rejecting a 'Commonwealth Writers Prize')
  • 2
    TH, as the aspiring rapper, would start beef with Eminem
  • 3
    "THP the use of ""Reparative reading"" over ""Paranoid reading"" as a tool for critically evaluating literature"
  • Novice Quarterfinals

  • 1
    THR the rising popularity of neobanks (such as Jupiter, RazorPay etc.) in India
  • 2
    THBT developing economies should prioritize transitioning into service heavy economies ( developing sectors such as IT, warehousing, shipping etc.) as opposed to specializing in agriculture or manufacturing
  • 3
    THBT big tech companies should be mandated to share anonymized data with smaller competitors
  • Quarterfinals

  • 1
    THR the rising popularity of neobanks (such as Jupiter, RazorPay etc.) in India
  • 2
    THBT developing economies should prioritize transitioning into service heavy economies ( developing sectors such as IT, warehousing, shipping etc.) as opposed to specializing in agriculture or manufacturing
  • 3
    THBT big tech companies should be mandated to share anonymized data with smaller competitors
  • Round 5

  • 1
    THBT apoliticality is immoral
  • 2
    THBT it is in the interest of the left-wing political parties to abandon the narrative that wealth accumulation in inherently immoral
  • 3
    TH, as a political activist group, would adopt consensus decision-making processes as opposed to majority voting
  • Round 4

  • 1
    THS developing nations marketing themselves as destinations for 'good time tourism'
  • 2
    THBT developing countries should adopt economic development policies that heavily disincentivise urbanisation
  • 3
    THBT India should divert significant resources away from rural job guarantee schemes (like MGNREGA) in favor of urban demand-driven job schemes (like DUET)
  • Round 3

  • 1
    THW legally permit soldiers to refuse to participate in military actions or missions on the basis of conscience
  • 2
    TH, as the animal rights movement would prioritise lobbying government (e.g. regulating factory farming, imposing a meat tax, etc.) as opposed to nudging consumers to switch to non-meat alternatives
  • 3
    THP a world in which religions do not emphasize self-deprivation (e.g. ritual fasting, asceticism, voluntary poverty)
  • Round 2

  • 1
    THBT universities in developing nations should have distinct teaching professionals for classes rather than professors
  • 2
    THBT India should allow for-profit educational institutes
  • 3
    THBT developing nations should pay for their students education to foreign universities under the condition that they will return to work in their home country
  • Round 1

  • 1
    THBT all world records in sports where doping was historically frequent should be wiped clean
  • 2
    THW create public housing for the poor in wealthy areas
  • 3
    THW legalise vigilantism in high crime areas